Terms and Conditions of Sale
1. Purpose
These general terms and conditions define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the remote booking of services offered by the establishment on its Website and its Mobile Services.
They govern all the steps necessary for the reservation and the follow-up of the reservation between the contracting parties.
Any reservation therefore implies that the client accepts in full and unreservedly these conditions.
All clients acknowledge that they have the capacity to contract, i.e. that they are of legal age and are not under guardianship or tutelage.
The names “Establishment” and “site” refer throughout this text to the site named www.les-roches-blanches.fr and corresponding to the domain name that can be consulted at www.les-roches-blanches.fr.
2. Scope of application
These general terms and conditions of sale apply to all bookings made via the Internet, the Website or the Mobile Services and its partners.
3. Opposability of the general conditions
In any event, the version of the general terms and conditions of sale that is enforceable against the client is the one in force at the time of the reservation on the Website or the Mobile Services or with its partners.
4. Booking
Reservations are made by telephone or by e-mail.
The reservation will be effective after reception of a detailed confirmation of reservation and after the payment of a deposit of 50% of the amount of the stay by transfer to our bank account:
IBAN : FR76 3000 3013 1700 0201 2493 902
The remaining amount of the stay must be paid on the day of your arrival when you receive the keys, by credit card or cash only.
The payment of all the services will be made directly to the establishment.
The establishment reserves the right to refuse any reservation if it is incomplete.
All bookings, regardless of their origin, are payable in euros only.
The hotel accepts the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard
The client is solely responsible for the choice of services and their suitability for his/her needs, and the establishment cannot be held liable in this respect.
5. Payment
On arrival, the client will be asked for a deposit or authorisation to debit the credit card in order to guarantee the payment of the amounts corresponding to the services consumed on site.
Payment cards accepted : Visa, MasterCard, American Express …
6. Change of stay
You can change the date of your stay up to 14 days before arrival. Any change to your reservation must be requested by email or telephone. The request will only become effective once the establishment has confirmed its acceptance in writing.
In the event of a change to the stay, the following conditions apply (except in cases of force majeure):
– Any stay started must be fully paid.
7. Cancellation of stay
Any cancellation of a reservation must be requested by email to the establishment or by telephone.
The request will only become effective when the establishment will have confirmed its acceptance in writing.
In case of cancellation of a stay, the following conditions apply (except in cases of force majeure):
– Cancellation free of charge up to 14 days before the planned date of arrival.
Cancellation from D-14, the deposit will be retained.
In case of non-attendance on the scheduled arrival date, the deposit will be retained.
These penalties will be debited to the credit card provided at the time of booking
– In case of non-attendance on the scheduled arrival date, your credit card will be debited for the amount of the stay.
– Any stay started must be fully paid.
8. Force majeure
Force majeure refers to any event external to the parties that is unforeseeable, insurmountable and external to the parties and which prevents either the client or the establishment from fulfilling all or part of the obligations set out in the contract. Cases of force majeure or fortuitous events are those usually recognized by the jurisprudence of the French Courts and Tribunals.
Each party may not be held liable to the other party in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from an event of force majeure.
It is expressly agreed that force majeure suspends, for the parties, the performance of their mutual obligations and that each party shall bear the costs arising from it.
8-1 Covid-19
In the case of COVID-19, the establishment accepts last-minute changes and cancellations of stays in the event of a new confinement or a restriction of circulation being decided by the government.
9. Prices
Prices are quoted in Euros.
VAT is always included.
The prices indicated only include the services strictly mentioned in the booking.
To the price mentioned in the reservation will be added, at the time of invoicing, the additional services provided by the establishment during the stay and, if applicable, the tourist tax.
The applicable prices are those in force on the day of the reservation. The establishments are independent professionals and are free to change their prices at any time. Only the price indicated in the booking confirmation is contractual.
10. Complaints, disputes
Any complaint must be made to the establishment within 7 days of the date of stay.
In the absence of recourse to the conventional mediation procedure or to any alternative method of settling disputes within a period of 30 days, each of the parties may refer the matter to the competent legal jurisdiction : Commercial Court of Versailles (78)
11. Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Establishment to take out all guarantees and insurance necessary for the reception of the public in its Establishment and for the exercise of its activity.
The Establishment’s liability is limited in the event of theft of goods or objects when they have been entrusted to its care only.
Les Roches Blanches has provided its guests with a safe deposit box in each bedroom
The client must ensure the safekeeping of his goods and materials. The client must informThe establishment of any damage caused by him/her. He/she is responsible for all damage caused by him/her and undertakes, in the event of damage to the premises made available (room, common areas such as swimming pool, garden, lounge, sanitary facilities, complete house in the case of rental) to pay the cost of repair.
Also, any behaviour contrary to good morals, public order, or considered as endangering the life of others will lead the establishment to ask the client to leave the establishment without any compensation and without any reimbursement if a payment has already been made. If no payment has yet been made, the client must pay the price of the nights consumed before leaving the establishment. In the case of Covid-19 :
– Guests declare on their honour that they have no symptoms related to Covid-19.
– The establishment reserves the right to refuse service if a client presents symptoms at the time of registration. The guest is warned that payment for the stay must be paid.
– In the event that a guest develops symptoms during his stay, the guest undertakes to inform the establishment who will impose isolation in his room and notify the health authorities who will take charge of him. The rest of the stay must be paid. The client may not bring in any outside drinks or foodstuffs without prior authorization from the establishment. The client undertakes to respect all the rules and regulations of the establishment (in particular the ban on smoking in the rooms and common areas). The client shall ensure that the participants do not disturb the operation of the establishment or threaten the safety of the establishment or the persons in it.
Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the guest must leave the room before 11 a.m. on the day the reservation ends.
Failure to do so will result in an additional night being charged.
Les Roches Blanches does not accept pets.
Les Roches Blanches is not suitable for children under 12 years of age.
Les Roches Blanches offers free WIFI access for guests to connect to the internet.
Our establishment has an internet speed of 6 Méga
We remind you of the terms of the HADOPI law: No illegal downloading of copyrighted works, but also no visits to sites with prohibited content such as pornography, pedophilia, racism, incitement to violence, offence to human dignity.
The hirer hereby undertakes to respect the terms of this HADOPI law. We reserve the right to monitor internet activities. This monitoring will be reasonable and compatible with the requirement of privacy. The hirer undertakes on his honour to respect this charter and releases the owner from any responsibility concerning the use he will make of the internet directly or indirectly.
The client undertakes to ensure that the computer resources made available to him by the establishment will not be used in any way for the purposes of reproduction, representation, making available or communication to the public of works or objects protected by copyright or related rights, such as texts, images, photographs, musical works, audiovisual works, software and video games, without the authorization of the holders of the rights provided for in Books I and II of the Intellectual property code when such authorization is required. If the customer does not comply with the above obligations, he/she may be accused of infringement of copyright.(Article L.335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code), punishable by a fine of
300,000 and three years’ imprisonment. The customer is also required to comply with the security policy of the establishment’s Internet access provider, including the rules for using the security measures implemented to prevent the illicit use of computer resources and to refrain from any act that undermines the effectiveness of these measures.
The photographs presented on the Site and the Mobile Services of the establishment or those of the partners are merely indicative. Although every effort is made to ensure that the photographs, graphic representations and texts reproduced to illustrate the establishment presented give as accurate a picture as possible of the accommodation services offered.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that the photographs, graphics and texts reproduced to illustrate the accommodation presented give as accurate an idea as possible of the services offered, variations may occur, particularly as a result of changes in furniture or possible renovations.
12. Mediation
The decree of 30 October 2015 on the mediation of consumer disputes, which transposes into French law Directive 2013/11/EU of 21 May 2013 on the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, and Order N°. 2015-1033 of 20 August 2015 on the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, specify the conditions of application of Article L152-1 of the Consumer Code, which requires professionals in all consumer sectors to offer a mediation procedure in the event of a dispute with their customers. According to the law, the outcome of the mediation must be reached within 90 days. We invite you to formulate your requests exclusively by e-mail which will bring a dating of your correspondence and to keep a personal archive.
Internal mediation
For all disputes that have not been resolved, we invite you to contact the Internal Mediation Service, which undertakes to provide you with a satisfactory response within 30 days.
In the event of dissatisfaction, you are advised to contact an external mediator of your choice.
External mediation
You will find all the official information about mediation on the government website: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/mediation-conso
We invite you to consult the Medicys website: https://www.mieist.bercy.gouv.fr
The DGCCRF website: https://www.economie.gouv.fr/dgccrf
You can also consult the European Commission’s appeals
: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show
We would like to draw your attention to the existence of the European authority, which is called upon to issue binding decisions on disputes concerning cross-border processing activities, thus guaranteeing a uniform application of EU rules and avoiding different responses to the same case in several jurisdictions: https://edpb.europa.eu/edpb_fr
13. Applicable law
These terms and conditions of sale are subject to French and European law.